Thursday, 29 November 2012

My Birthday:')

Date; 28th of November
Start; 9:30
Finish; 3:30

    Its my birthday today! I was in such a good mood going to work. All the girls sang happy birthday to me at lunch, and I went all red.
    I went in at half nine, and was greeted by Bea. There was no jobs to be done straight away, but as soon as the computer/till was on she asked me to stock a few things that were left over from yesterdays order. This only took a few minutes but it was very frustrating and complicated due to the fact that the computer was acting up.
    After I had finally done what Bea had asked me, Shirley wanted to know would I fix up the make-up section. I agreed cheerfully and went to do my job. I stated off with the hardest on first as I knew this would take a long time. There is five stands, each with a different make-up company. There was MaxFactor, Loreal, No7, Revlon and Estee Lauder. 
    There was trays underneath each stall in which I could fill up the empty spaces in order to make the stall look nice and clean. I had to take out a good few items, but that wasn't any hassle  The only problem is that it took so long! I also had to clan the testers and with some of the testers I had to throw away and find a new one.
    Soon, I had finished this and returned to the till counter. My back was aching at this stage but that wasn't going to change my good mood! Shirley came off her break as soon as I was finished with the make-up section. She then asked me to tidy up the perfume section, which I did.
      I started off with cleaning the desk, in order to clean the floors after. I swiftly put everything on the desk in order in different drawers. So the wrapping paper was all in one, and the crep paper was in another and things like that. Then I wiped down the counter after I had cleared it from all the wrapping stuff, and then went to sweep the flooring area at the perfume counter. I also put thing away that were left for Carol to do, but I thought I might as well do it as she was really busy at the moment.
        As soon as I had finished this task, I went on my lunch. I met up with Ciara again and we went for lunch. When I came back a few of the other girls were gone for their lunch. I really didn't feel well at this stage, but I refused to go home.
        Richard got me to do a stock check on a few of the shelves. I also tidied them up while I was there, pushing all the products to the front of the shelves to make them look neat and tidy. This also took a while, but at this stage I really didn't mind. After this was finished, I stood at the counter waiting for Shirley to come back with the stock I had to put out. In the meantime Caroline gave out to me for standing at the till, as she doesn't 'trust me'. I can understand this in a sense, but she had no right to talk me down. Richard had a word with her and she apologised for her actions before I went home.
          All in all this was a good but busy day, but I couldn't wait until I went home!

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Date; 31st of October
Start time; 9:30
Finish time; 3:30

Hello There:)

   Today was alright I guess, but when I got home i had aches and pains everywhere and anywhere. I think this due due to the way I slept last night and the was my posture wasn't up to full standard.
   When I got in to work at half nine, Carol was rushed off her feet so I decided this world be a good time to help her. She asked me to do numerous things, but I didn't mind at all. Firstly, I emptied a trolley load of priced and scanned items. This took me about an hour, nut that was okay, I guess, it was better than standing around and doing nothing.
     Then I filled the trolley again, and emptied that after it was all priced and put on to the till. This also took me a while, but I soon got to go for a quick sit down. I had a lovely chat with Bea and she was telling me about all the robbery's in Celbridge the past few weeks. I found this very shocking, but I carried on with work. 
      After my little break, Carol had received an order and she asked me to help her with it, so I did! She showed me how and where important prescription go in the back of the shop. The have a number of white shelves and everything is labelled and put in alphabetic order, so it's easier to find. I was putting away alot of things for a while, but it was grand.
     There was loads of little kids coming in, and they were all excited about Halloween. I thought this was really cute, and it cheered the whole shop up! I was told to give out lollies to the kids that came in, I loved this as most children were really friendly and full of chat.
      Time flew by, between pricing, labelling  stocking and putting away things, it was time to head home. To be honest, I was delighted, as I was brushed off my feet the whole day.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Happy! Happy! Happy!

Date; 10th of October
Start time; 9:30
Finish time; 3;30

Hey! :)

     I had such a good day today! I love working in the chemist. I went in to work this morning and everyone was in a good, happy mood. 
     I got started off quickly as Shirley asked me to tidy up the cosmetics section. This was time consuming, but I didn't mind at all. I had to pull out the drawers and stock what ever was missing from the shelves. I liked this job, because, well, i'm a girl! It took me about an hour to re-stock all of the make-up section but it was good fun as a few customers asked me which was best and things like that.
     I then got to check out how the till and lazer card machine works. I got to serve a few customers and give them their pre-ordered prescriptions. Shirley also showed me how to lock and change the screen from stocking items to serving customers.
     After lunch, Caroline asked me to do a job for her. I was to open the new boxes ordered, which were filled with empty bottles, and to cap them all for her. This took forever, but a job's a job and I got on it like a bonnet! The cramps afterwards in my hands were mental, but what can ye do, I'll live!
     I also had to get permission from Martina, my supervisor to go to the dentist for an hour next Wednesday. She approved and I was really happy that I didn't have to re-arrange my appointment again!
     I had a good day today, and I learned that one job is better than no job. So far, i'm really enjoying working in the chemist, I just can't wait to start my other two work placements!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Date; 3rd of October

Start time; 9:30

Finish Time; 3:30


   Well, second day at work. Yum! my feet are killing me, I've been standing all day and I got soaked. Not a happy camper right now!

   This morning the traffic in the village was chocker block, due to the rain, but I suppose that was understandable. I strolled in to work as I was early and started getting stuck in straight away.

    Nothing unusual really happened today. I got shown how to properly serve customers, and to use the price gun. It's officially my new favorite little gadget! On some item I had to change the dial to the invoice number and stock them behind the counter and others I had to scan on the till, change the dial to the retail price and stock on shelves all round the shop.

    This responsibility was time consuming, but I really enjoyed it. As I was stocking the shelves, I casually took a glance at what medication was assigned for what problem. I learned a lot from this which was mind boggling!

     At lunch I met up with my friend Ciara, we went for a roll together as I finally got to lift my feet, thank god!  I was starving as-well  so this made my lunch even better. I was back in at half one and did the same thing all over again.

      During my lunch two new orders came in so I had to stock them, add the prices and put them on the shelves. Some items were over ordered so I had to put the remaining medication in the stock room. The stock room was filled with shelves to the roof tops which were stacked with any medication you could ever think of!

        After I fixed up the shop and tidied the shop, Shirley let me know that I could head off early. She also informed me that i'm a very hard-worker and that i'm amazing with the customers. Let's just say, I smiled all the way home! :)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

First Day Of Work!

Date; 26th of September
Start time; 9:30
Finish Time; 4:00


   Wow! work experience was brilliant yesterday. I had the best time ever. I started at half nine and finished early, at ten to four.
   Firstly I went in and I greeted Martina who is my supervisor, and all my other work colugues. I met Dr. Walsh, The head pharmacist Shirley and my routine manager Richard. I also met lots of lovely customers and my dad even popped in to see how things were going.
    I was really nervous going in but when I introduced myself, everyone was really helpful and showed me the ropes. I was first given the job to date check some boxes of tablets, creams and oils. That went really well, I ended up throwing away a good few items and got to re-stock the ones that i'd thrown away.
    Re-stocking was very easy. I really liked this job. Richard logged me on to the computer and thought me how to register and count the items needed. I had to scan whatever item was needed and press a few buttons on the keyboard and Hey Presto! they were ordered. This was a good bit of training, and I was glad they trusted me with the responsibility to do such a big thing, one slip of a zero and god knows how many could be delivered the next morning.
   I took my first break at eleven o'clock, and sat down with a mug of hot chocolate. As soon as I had finished I was determined to make a really good impresion when the manager walked in. The manager was really nice and her name was Bee, which is short for Beatrice. She gave me instructions to make teas and coffees for the staff and get Dr. Walsh to sign some documents.
   Later that afternoon, I was shown how to work the till to serve the customers.  I also got to stamp the car park tickets. This was pretty cool as I got to meet lots of lovely customers and help them out.
    During the day, the only problem that I had was my back started to really hurt. It was so painful I was forced to take my break early, so I took it from 1 o'clock until 2 o'clock  Other than that, I think I did really well, and I hope the staff at the chemist do too.
    I have to admit the best part of the day was when my daddy came in and visited me out in the big world of work. I got to serve him and go and collect his prescription. I didn't really have a worst part of the day, the only fault that I had was my back aches, but I just brushed that off my shoulder.
   I learned that the chemist is a place where I can be myself, and that I can really achieve a goal when I go for it.  I also learned that, the work place that i'm in has a set structure to report a problem. It starts off as a worker and then eventually gets told to either Dr. Walsh or Shirley. The world of work is a lot different than school. It has many different duties attached to it and people are depending on you. I think that I'd rather stay in school than in work!